Friday, July 22, 2011

That's What Friends AREN'T For

We have all had our share of friend and some haven't been good choices. Have you ever had that friend who wants to make himself the leader, while your his backup. The bossy friend who's always right and tries to make you think that you need all the stuff he has. Those are friends who aren't real friends. There is a few ways to stop it.

1. You can avoid being his/her friend anymore slowly by not invitng him over and/or making some new friends and hanging out with them.

2. Maybe tell him/her he's a little bossy and that you're fine with what you have and don't need his/her stuff.

3. Even get a new best friend, but keep him/her a friend, because if they're a friend not a best friend,  then they won't treat YOU like their best friend.

If they don't work then you might consider not being his friend.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

5 Year Old Hobbies Aren't Always 15 Year Old Hobbies

           We all know that it's not easy to give up hobbies from when you were very young. I have even experienced a hobby that I loved and had to give up. Pokemon was my favorite thing when I was younger. (up to age 8) I still liked it until I was 10, but I did other things, because I knew that I had to stop. I broke down and would play at times, but I would stop. Then I found a trick to stop and here it is: the game isn't the only fun thing. I realized I only liked it then because I shouldn't play and I remembered it being more fun than it was.  
            Another example is stuffed animal games, like Webkinz. I know a ten year old boy who just bought one. He likes it for the games only, as he says, but it's still not good for a kid his age (especially a boy) to want one.

           If you or your kid is struggling to give up games like those then just get yourself, or if it's your kid, involved in sports. They are wonderful for kids and a time consuming healthy activity. There are so many wonderful things to do that can get you out of things like them. There are a lot of things, but you can even be active in the house, or as a parent invite some friends over for your kid, make sure they have enough fun games, and encourage them to be active. I hope you enjoyed this advice.

Monday, July 18, 2011

My Amazing Times In Lebanon

Lebanon, a place to do anything out of your mind! When you live in countries like the US and Canada, like me, then you will never know what life is like in places like Lebanon. You can throw fireworks for fun, in one day you can go skiing and go to the beach. Even I walk to the grocery store alone sometimes, because walking is what you are encouaged to do, without going too out of line.  Outside my window in a small town called Broumanna you could see everything in the whole country. If you were wondering I am in Lebanon every summer, because my dad lived here and my mom is lebanese. Lebanon has a mix of foods that is amazing! The foods you eat here are perfectly cooked kufta (beef kabob), shishtawouk (chicken kabob), hummus, tabouli, baklava, and more exotic exciting foods. This summer I have spent with my cousins, Amilqar, Allisar, Thaer, and baby Rita. I have gone to Edde Sands beach a lot this trip. The waves are amazing and the sand is too. Although you won't find pizza bagels or frozen pizza here, there's still all the amazing sites to see, like the Jeita Grotto, Byblos, and amazing beaches. Plus amazing malls and stores, and some of the best restaurants in the world. Well, to see amazing sites like those visit Lebanon or just read about it. So to end this article I want to say: I LOVE LEBANON.

The Jeita Grotto
  Here's the Link: